Stay Fit (and dry!) with Gym Towels

Have you started working on your beach bod yet? Even though summer technically doesn’t start until June 21st, it’s that time to start getting into shape if you’re an avid beach-goer. However, in your eagerness to find the perfect beach bod, please don’t forget to bring gym towels to your gym. Nothing is worse than getting to a weight machine only to find a puddle of some stranger’s staring up at you from the seat.

If you are a gym our workout business owner, it’s not a bad idea to supply gym towels for your customers. This will help create an experience that your clientele will want to return to and will tell their friends about. Our gym towels are made of 86% cotton and 14% polyester – giving them increased durability.

Of course there is always the risk of gym towels getting stolen by your clients (ungrateful little gym rats). But have no fear – that’s why we offer gym towels at wholesale prices!