Loofa vs. Washcloth - The Age Old Question

Some people prefer loofas while others prefer washcloths in the bath or shower. So really, what’s the difference?



 Perfect for cleaning your face

  • Fabric is natural exfoliant, removing oil and dirt
  • Need a steady supply to maximize benefits
  • Should be used a few times before washing (which means you’ll need to have extras ready)


 Good lather, nice for cleaning large areas

  • Often aren’t washed, so build up bacteria
  • Less gentle on the skin

People with gentle skin should be careful with loofas, and might prefer washcloths. However, it’s important to note that washcloths can build up bacteria in the bathroom too, so they’ve got to be regularly washed. Check out Towel Hub’s selection of high quality washcloths today!


  • Good for Sensitive Skin: Exfoliating products may irritate someone with sensitive skin
  • Natural: Washcloths don’t come with all of the chemicals that many products include


There are some things that you should keep in mind when exfoliating with a washcloth. Try to avoid the eyes. Wash to get rid of bacteria and keep the washcloth smelling clean. Avoid rubbing pimples, and try not to scrub too hard.

Towel Hub features affordable washcloths in bulk, built for the general purpose of cleaning and wiping.