How Often to Wash a Towel

How often do you use your bath towel before washing it?

Many people are surprisingly wrong about how many times it can be used in a row.

Wetness is essentially a breeding ground for bacteria. Since they are generally made of 100% cotton, dead skin cells and a musty scent can become easily trapped within the fibers. When it comes to bath towels, a good rule of thumb is to wash after every three uses. This can vary depending on what the towel is being used for, of course. Washcloths should be replaced after one use. Bringing so much bacteria to the skin on your face can be detrimental to your pores and skin. Kitchen towels are the same way. Since it will be touching things you will be eating off of, it’s important not to re-contaminate. It’s also a good idea to dip towels in a diluted bleach solution just to be extra sure.