What a Golf Towel is Used For

We’ve expressed the importance of golf towels before, but to those inexperienced in the game, do you know exactly why it’s necessary?

Here are the ways it’s used in the game:

  1. Club Cleaning
    Having a club with clumps of mud, grass, or sand is sure to make for a bad shot. Nothing does the trick better than a towel. Even brushes don’t serve it justice. A damp towel is the best way to go.
  2. Humidity Absorption
    Since golf is a warm weather sport, objects including the ball, club, tee, and hands can become overly wet with moisture, negatively effecting the game. Keeping these items dry also prevents rusting.

Keeping you Dry
It’s no secret that we sweat, especially when playing sports. Towels are a good thing to keep around just to keep you comfortable! You’ll be able to devote all your concentration and energy to the game – not how uncomfortable you are.