Prepare Beach Towels for Winter Hibernation

Before packing away beach towels until next summer, it’s important that they are stashed in the proper way.

No one wants to open a box of towels from last year that still has sand or mildew growing in it. Care for beach towels is slightly different than normal towels because of the fibers they are made of. Here are our best tips:

  1. Hang dry before washing. While it may seem redundant and unnecessary to dry the towel before washing, it’s vital in order to complete the next step.
  2. Shake out all the sand before placing in the washer. Sand comes off much easier when the towel is dry. Washing with sand still in the towels can permanently embed them in the fibers. A good shake should do the trick, but if especially sandy, soaking in a white vinegar and water solution will take care of the rest.

Finally, it’s time to wash. Just don’t use fabric softener! Beach towels are made of special fibers that can be damaged by these types of products. At Towel Hub we recommend using warm water and detergent but be sure to keep different colors separate to prevent bleedi

ng. Machine wash dry and then pack away your towels for the winter!