Cost Saving High Quality Salon Towels

            When clients walk into a salon, they are looking forward to some pampering. Salon towels are a significant proportion of this pampering experience, in which case having them in bulk can increase the chance of customers to return to the establishment in the future and possibly refer their friends. There are varying considerations that should be made when picking the appropriate salon towels for the distinctive needs of the establishment.

            First, assess the benefits pertaining to varying types of fabrics. Salon towels may come in the form of synthetics, all-cotton, and cotton-blends. Of course, all these varieties have distinctive benefits and drawbacks. Nevertheless, most establishments prefer salon towels made of 100% Cotton especially in the face of client-facing jobs since it is soft and fluffy even when they shrink. Cotton towels also meet hygiene standards necessary to maintain in Salons as well as are cost effective.

            In addition, you could consider the size of the salon towels. Supervisors and salon owners should strive to get towels that suit the needs of the clients. Most widely accepted and used sizes are ranging between 15x25 up to 16x30 in Salons. Lastly, consider the reaction of the salon towels to chemicals and bleaching agents. Typical salons will involve numerous chemicals and bleaching agents for activities such as pedicures, manicures and hair coloring. Your towels will be unlikely to last long if they are not resistant to bleaching.