How to Choose the Best Beach Towels

Purchasing a beach towel is not as straightforward as it might seem. Many people think that buying a beach towel only entails choosing a fun design at an affordable design.

However, beach towels are not that simple or easy to buy. If you want to have the best experience at the beach, you will need a towel that will not only last, bit one that will not leave you feeling wet after a dip in the ocean.

It has to absorb water

Beach towels often serve two role, they are important to dry off after a little swim and are also important mats to lie on while you soak up the sun. As such, a towel that remains wet after drying of water makes a very uncomfortable mat to cushion you against the sand. You will need a beach towel that dries you well and dries quickly

A beach towel has to be soft

There are so many beach towels in the market that feel so rough you would think they were made of sisal. However, they are also very cheap. While cheap is good, take care not to sacrifice your comfort just to save a few coins. Go for towels made of cotton as they are very comfortable.

A beach towel has to be large

A good beach towel is big enough to cover you when you feel like it and also to lay on the sand while you bask and soak up the sun. A tiny towel that cannot go around your waist or one that a toddler can barely fit on while lying down is not a good-sized beach towel.

Does is it have a cool design?

A beach towel must always have a fun design, and have fun and bright colors to emphasize the summer and the fun we all have during the season.