Different Ways to Take Care of Your Luxury Bath Towels

You may not be even aware of how you are ruining your new bath towels every day.

Luxury bath towels can easily be ruined and you will definitely not want that to happen to your new bath towel. Try the following ways to take proper care of your luxury bath towel. Even they need pampering.

•   The frequency of Washing: Either people end up washing their bath towels in excess or they don’t wash it enough. Do you know in which group you belong? To take proper care, a new bath towel needs to be washed after every 3 usage. But if you stay in a hot and humid atmosphere then you better wash it more often to avoid the bacteria growing in your towel.

•   Before Use: It is very important to wash your new bath towel before starting to use it. This helps to increase the absorbency of the new towel and also help to set the color.

•   Use of Detergents: Use of harsh detergents on your luxury towel can ruin the fluffiness and soft texture of it. Mild detergents with no or lower quantity of bleach in them should be used for washing. For quality washing, 1 cup of vinegar should be added along with the washing detergents, as it gets rid of the detergent residue. It is also better to use half the recommended amount of detergent for washing your new bath towels.

•   Odor Control: Towels can also become smelly which can be a serious problem. ½ cup of baking soda if added while washing the towels, it gets rid of the foul smell.

•   Washing Norms: Washing according to the instructions of the manufacturer is helpful. New bath towels should be washed in small loads keeping light and dark colors separately. Over drying should be avoided as it ruins the towel.